However, shortly after throwing the blog template up, I began to do a little more soul searching and decided to include some other concerns and festering thoughts I had. These thoughts, relating to social consciousness issues and other concerns among the domestic and global political spectrum, I began to dwell on early in my college days. I spent months doing research on topics such as Fair Trade policies, and the controversial Genetically Modified foods we all undoubtedly are eating.
Mostly, I just want to stress that this is a broad range blog that will sporadically touch different topics, depending on what mood I am in, or what I might feel like resonating from world politics and developments.
This is all rooted, I believe, in a punk rock DIY ideology which I have always felt is a basic guideline for how to question the ways in which you are raised, and always be searching for a clearer and more honest way to be human. Maintaining a punk rock mindset doesn't ALWAYS mean drinking piss beer and staying up till 5 am (though often those are the best aspects, sometimes they are never present). I think its also a balanced view of taking good care of your body so you will be around a few more days to practice good ethics and promote good communities. Enough soapbox clowning for now.
Bottom line, this is intended to be conversation. Please feel free to ask questions, or respond how you'd like.